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Uniform Requirements

Claremont logoed royal blue cardigan (SS86). Claremont logoed royal blue jumper (SS86). Black school shoes. No trainers, boots or ankle boots.
All skirts and dresses should be knee length.

Year R and Year 1
Winter: Plain white polo shirt (long or short sleeved). Grey pinafore dress, grey skirt or grey trousers, grey socks or tights
Summer: Light blue gingham (checked) summer dress and white socks; grey tailored shorts and grey socks.

Year 2 and above
Winter: Long sleeved white shirt and school tie. Grey pinafore dress, grey skirt or grey trousers, grey socks or tights.
Summer: Light blue gingham (checked) summer dress or culottes, white socks; white short sleeved polo shirt; grey tailored shorts and grey socks

PE kit
Claremont logoed PE T shirt (SS86). Navy PE Shorts (SS86).
Tracksuit tops with the school logo can be purchased from Superstitch.
Dark blue tracksuit trousers can be bought from any high street store.
drawstring bag for PE kit. This can be any drawstring bag of any colour. Please name and decorate the bag so it is as distinctive as possible. This makes them easier to find in the cloakroom.

Other items
waterproof coat suitable for the weather.
Named wellies to be kept in school for use during outdoor learning sessions
A named sunhat
Claremont logoed bookbag until Year 2 (SS86) 

House Colours
Our school houses are:
Dragons - red
Eagles - green
Lions - yellow
Unicorns - blue

Claremont uniform, can, on the whole, be purchased from our uniform supplier Superstitch 86 (SS86). Please ensure you select the correct Claremont School on the Superstitch86 website. Delivery is to your house for a small fee or free to the school. Deliveries to the school are in bulk and can take up to a fortnight to be delivered. We will distribute them to your children within 2-3 days of being delivered.

Winter uniform is a mix of plain grey and white uniform items, which can be purchased in high street stores (Asda, M&S, Sainsburys, Next etc), and a royal blue cardigan or jumper that can be ordered from SuperStitch86.  In Year 2 and above, all children wear a long-sleeved white shirt with a school tie for winter uniform. Ties can only be bought from SuperStitch86. All pupils are expected to wear winter uniform from 1st October to 30th April. Summer uniform is optional from 1st May to 30th September. The summer uniform dresses can also be purchased in high street stores.

Jewellery is not allowed except for small stud earrings if ears are pierced.

Long hair should be tied back and off the face for all children. Hair accessories should be small and match school uniform colours.

Typical sizes for jumpers and cardigans:

  • a size 24” should fit a smaller/petit/ younger new starter
  • a size 26” for an average reception child (this is the usual ordering size for most reception starters as gives some room for growth.
  • a size 28” for a larger/older new starter (these are quite roomy and typically purchased for a Year1 or Year 2 aged child)

Typical sizes for PE T-shirts :

  • a size 22” T-shirt typically fits a petit/smaller/younger new starter
  • a size 24” for a taller/older child.

All uniform must be labelled with your child’s name. If uniform is not labelled it cannot find its way back to you if mislaid. If possible, we ask that you sew name tapes into items, preferably in the collar or waistband. Handwritten names are often too faded to identify.

Uniform in good condition is gratefully received by the PTA for nearly new sales. Donations are collected at the Banner Farm Road gate on Thursdays between 8.40-9.00am. Online orders from the nearly new uniform shop placed before midnight on Sunday can also be collected on the Thursday. In person sales are run throughout the year so please look out for communication via your class reps on this. If you have any enquiries regarding nearly new uniform, please contact the uniform team via the PTA website.


Please decorate your child’s bookbag with them. Bags should have your child’s name clearly marked on the bookbag handle. All book bags are placed in containers and by decorating them your child will be better placed to identify their own bag.

Art aprons are not necessary as these are provided within each class in Reception.

PE takes place inside during the winter months; please provide trainers and a tracksuit in the Spring term. Your class teacher will advise you when.

Please note: A full parental consultation would take place prior to any changes to the school uniform.